30 September 2009

Doom-o-meter: 30 September 2009.

Well, there's a new level of Doom in town: Beware of Bears and Perverts. And sadly, that is the level we are currently experiencing.

First of all, the makers of Snuggie (shudder) have released a new product: Snuggie for Dogs. I cannot express my full horror at this development; it is truly unholy. The original Snuggie was terrifying enough, but this is surely from the marketing department of R'lyeh, Incorporated.

In other news, nearby waters have recently acquired a new sheen of terror, as a giant squid was found in the Gulf of Mexico -- the first of its kind since 1954. I can only conclude that these krakens of the deep are stalking my associate, Evn (the Lover of Strife) -- just as he has long suspected. Perhaps this squid is a harbinger of water-based doom to come? We must hope otherwise, and remain vigilant of unseen tentacles.
Finally, a bit of good news. It seems that Pagans and Goths are trying to reclaim Morris dancing in the UK. I always suspected that Morris dancing would be fun, but could never quite get beyond the synchronized hankie waving. I hope to see one of these "grittier" performances one day.

Times may be dark, but no one said we couldn't have a bit of fun. Right?

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